Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring is coming!

As I walked out in my yard yesterday, I saw my daffodils sticking their heads up trying their best to bloom! this is always the first sign of spring. and I loved seeing them because these past weeks we have had too much excitement!

Now Gramps is my " bionic man" now that he has his new pacemaker! and he is just ticking away! We have thanked Heavenly Father every day for his kidney stones, for without them he could just have stopped ticking altogether, and we would not know that he needed a pacemaker! and who could put up with me but him!!

Happy Birthday to Beth and Kim and Happy Anniversary to Jeff and Jean! It only seems like day before yesterday that I was on an elevator in Manning hospital giving birth to Kim. What a scarey day that was! I tried to tell everyone she was born but they just patted me and said "hold on we will have you in the delivery room and then we'll see" When they pulled back the sheet they saw a beautiful baby girl just looking around! Were they shocked!! and it seems yesterday that I was holding Beth for the first time! Wasn't it only hours ago that Jerry and I were laughing in the Washington DC Temple as Jean and Jeff were about to be sealed, Jerry whispered "Granny, she is holding on to him for dear life" and she was! What beautiful memories! aren't we grateful for such wonderful memeories. And birthdays and anniverseries are great times to remember-I pray I don't lose my memory! It is one of God's greatest gifts!

I am thankful for all your blogs, so that I can feel that I am there watching the babies at Beth's grow up, watching LaNelle work with her 150 kids, watching Jared get ready for parenthood, listening to Jake be Jake(what joy he brings to each of us), seeing Will's room(since I have not seen him yet!)watching Lib's twins grow and sharing in your joys and pains, your sucesses and failures! What a wonderful thing the internet is!

I love you each one!


Beth & Rob Bailey said...

want to come plant something in my yard? :) (i've only got weeds coming up!)
i remember when jean and jeff got married and we had those (hideous...uh, i mean lovely) red satin dresses...all 103 of us.

LaNelle said...

yay! You made a post! I love reading your posts. And I am so thankful that Gramps is ok. Steven and I have been praying for him every night during our "over the phone prayers." I miss ya'll so much...counting down the days until the summer!

Libbi said...

time just keeps flying!!! thanks for posting and I am sooooo glad Gramps is ok!

kim e said...

Glad you finally updated your blog. We are all glad that Gramps is doing so good. I saw some daffodiles and the signs of tulips at my neighbors this morning and it made me think, yea Spring is coming! Spring is my favorite season of the year. I love seeing the world awaken with beautiful flowers and such.

Jean said...

Be Nice Beth...hahaha! Time does go by fast! I love having a mother who loves the spring and all her flowers which I think are weeds half the time...hahaha!