Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring is Here

Isn't it wonderful that spring has come! emily took these pictures of my yard. I do love all that Heavenly Father has made! As I grow older I am really thankful for my sight, i have often taken it for granted but now I am thankful everyday that I can see all the Lord has made.

This has been an eventful week, Floyd is now "middleaged" and Michael is still in the hospital and is doing better but scared everyone last night bya low blood sugar in the middle of the night!
I saw a picture of Chloe on Kim's blog; she is so beautiful! I can't wait until I see her! We hav so much to be thankful for!! I loved being able to see Floys's birthday and Libbi's easter pictures! Modern miracles, my wonderful children, grand and greats, how blest we are! Carolyn, Seth and the twins were so precious in their easter clothes as were Patti, Andrew,Peter and the twins!

Thank you for sharing! i love you each one and all! Momma


Beth & Rob Bailey said...

i wish you'd come and make my yard as beautiful as yours...i do not have the touch for growing things (or the interest). it is beautiful though. i love azaleas.
i can't wait to see you in the summer. i got your message last night. i was at basketball practice with seth and forgot my phone. we are all 'back to normal'.

Jean said...

I love your azaelas when they are blooming because they do make your yard look pretty...I just wished they stayed that way all year long! I am looking forward to seeing if your tomato plant will produce lots of tomatoes upside down!!!

kim e said...

SO Pretty! I want to plant some azaleas. They just remind me of the south.

Libbi said...

WOW!!! Gorgeous yard and also incredible pictures!!