Sunday, July 6, 2008

Remembering the past...noting the future

I could not let this day pass without remembering my youngest grandchild. On Sunday afternoons, I can still hear "where going, I get my shoes, I go you" I am most grateful for those Sunday afternoons and building towers, and playing the "prophets game" and his version of "scrabble", you see we did not exactly go by the rules, but what fun we had. Puzzles and Noah's ark are all wonderful memories, as are reading stories and watching as he played on "his computer". I am grateful for my memory. And it is my prayer as long as I live I shall always have it for it brings me many wonderful hours of pleasure, much like rereading a wonderful book, you know the outcome, but you read it anyway because it gives you such pleasure to recall the joy and laughter of those wonderful times in your life. And there are no more wonderful times that those spent with children and grandchildren! Thank you, Jean and Jeff
for letting me have such a big part in Noah's life. And thank you, Noah for the wonderful joy you brought to us all and the joy you will bring again!
Now I can recall memories from each of you, see if you can recognize yourself. here goes!

Sneaking up to eat a sandwich when everyone else is asleep, catching dollars out of my clolthes dryer, the youngest one, to the 2 older ones. "don't cry, mommy and daddy are on a honeymoon, they'll be back", remember my saying "this is a special stuffed toy just to help you thru this procedure, and when you feel scared, you can talk to it", "look, my scriptures are just like yours, they even have the same words on the same page", watching Monk with me when no one else would, "I can't like that, and shoes, shoes, eat, eat!", "I don't see no bird"!, "tumetimes Grandma missed de turn", throwing rocks in the back yard, then measuring to see whose was the longest throw!, new pajamas each hospital visit, not hallmark but handmade by ---. watch ing The Sound of Music, a pink heart shaped dish that I still have, gathering up socks and putting them in a basket(more times than one), every old dog has his day, eating what you wanted then putting it back on the tray!, visits to the library, remember the one where you did not get any books, but many times stopping at Macdonald's on the way home for guess what? "I suck my thumb, but I don't let the teacher see, how about you, does your mom care if you suck yours? " and so the conversation continued as they had a "group thearpy session on thumb sucking! "are you my real grandmother?" "I didn't know that you had a grandmother in North Carolina?" and many many more! I love them all and cherish them beyond anything you can imagine, and now as I watch my daughters as grandmothers, it gives me wonderful pleasure to hear all the neat things my great grandchildren say! as Bob Hope(those of you who do not know who he is he was a comedian) would say, "thanks for the memory" and soon there will be a new baby on the horizon and maybe it will be a sasy fras too!


Jean said...

Oh Momma that was neat. I love going back and does your heart good. I liked reading all the things the kids have said over the years. They are all so much fun.

Beth & Rob Bailey said...

that was cute! I loved getting up with you to eat sandwiches and watching the sound of music, and I still laugh to think of Jared crying over you missing a turn. Who was the honeymoon one? (Was it Katie when Floyd married Judy? I can't think of any other grandchild who's parents had a honeymoon with three kids.) That was so fun to read!

Libbi said...

It was Andrew to LaNelle and Peter...we were on a "2nd honeymoon". and our hearts are broken over the delayed arrival of LaNelle's "sassyfrass" but we know she will come eventually...Patti and I LOVED reading that! (and LaNelle watched Sound of Music too and at Grandma's it became her favorite movie!)

LaNelle said...

I know I was the one about the honeymoon even before I read what my mom said. And I know that I watched the Sound of Music every single time that I ever visited you and Steven bought it for my
22nd birthday on DVD so that I can keep that tradition alive. And I remember finding dollars when I helped you do laundry, and it wasn't until I was older that I realized that you and Gramps probably didn't accidently leave $5 in your clothes, but put the money in there for me! But I'm sure other grandchildren have that memory too. And of course I know who Sassyfrass is and Steven thinks its hilarious that you knew my personality from the time I was born. I can't wait to come home to the South when I have kids so that they can make more memories with you!

kim e said...

That was so fun to read. Now you need to go back and tell who said each thing to see if we got them all right!

Libbi said...

and how about posting some stories from the farm?????? we love those...especially the dime and the cow that was hard to milk and Uncle Corbin changing the tire, and the rat in the overalls, and your strep throat, and ...